I had meetings in Edmonton this week that couldn't be done virtually. This was actually wonderful, as I hadn't been to the Edmonton office in almost a year, and was missing the casual chats with all my collegues up there.
Two of my fellow associates were joining me on this adventure. Our flight left at 8:30 AM, so I suggested we all meet around 7:45-ish to go through security and grab a coffee. I arrived as planned to see that my associates had actually been there since before 7!! Both catching up on emails and prepping for the days to come. Now that's an example of work anywhere - when you think you will be productive and when you are on a tight deadline! I personally can't work at airports, it just doesn't work for me, so I hadn't even considered coming early. Heck no, I stayed snug in my bed as long as humanly possible!

Our flight was delayed (is anyone be surprised by this?) and we ended up running very tight on time for my first meeting. We decided the best plan of action was to go straight to the hotel, hope at least one of our rooms was available, I would take my conference call and my associates would work from the room until it was time to head over to the office.
So imagine me at the hotel room desk, pulling up presentations on my laptop, using my blackberry as a speaker phone, and typing notes on my iPad. I looked comical if I do say so myself! That left one more chair and the bed, so one of the girls set up at the chair with the foot stool as a desk, and the other proped up on the bed. And that's where we all worked productively and happily for the next hour and a half!
We then grabbed lunch at the hotel, and dashed over to the office to mix and mingle before we went our seperate ways for meetings. We took over one "office" that was borrowed from one of my corporate partners while she was out with clients. So all of us eventually ended up back together hoteling in one office for the last 3 hours of our day.
We even talked about our productivity levels, our enagement levels since we got to hang out together and work. Honestly I had a blast, got everything I wanted to accomplished and WAY more!
Another example of working when it works for you, where it works for you as long as you get the results.
Ta ta