Thursday, 27 October 2011

Funniest Workplace 2.0 Story YET!

One of my fellow executive members just sent me her most recent mishap/funny story about our mobile workplace, and I had to share it!

Being mobile, I am at one of our many locations, the ATCO building in our CFO's old office. I was using this closed door space as I had a couple virtual meetings that afternoon with some of our team members based out of Edmonton. 

At 2pm, "Sam" pings me and I accept his video invite.  The room behind him doesn’t look like his normal office, so I ask him where he is:

Sam:  I’m in Calgary today at the ATCO building.
Exec: Me too!!  I am in the CFO's old office if you want to come by.
Sam:  Hmmm, I don’t know where that is.  But do you know where Rob's office is? I am across the hall from there.
Exec:  …I am right beside Rob's office… come across the hall and open the door!

He did and... Man, did we laugh and feel like dorks!
When you think about it, this could have happened to any of us who work from any location any time!

Thanks for sharing this great story - I love hearing them!!

Ta ta

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