My morning started off as per usual. My husband Roland's alarm went off at 6am, he does not work in an ROWE (Results-Only Work Environment). He gets up, and I snuggle back in to wait for the pitter patter of little 5 year old feet. About 30 minutes later, I hear "good morning mommy". Ahhhh life is good.
We snuggle for a few minutes in the "big bed" (which is a relative term, as when you ask me I would tell you it is only a queen and not nearly big enough, but at 5 it is HUGE). Kolten tells me what color he is in the mood to wear to school and around 7am I slowly wander to his room to pick a matching outfit for the day ahead at kindergarten.
We get ready together in the bathroom, and while I am doing his hair he is busy practicing his new found skill - whistling. When hair is done and teeth are brushed we meander downstairs to have breakfast together and practice his reading for 15 minutes, which usually turns into 25 and we end up rushing to get shoes, coat and backpack on.
We head out into the fresh air to walk to his bus stop talking about what sorts of things he is going to do at school that day, or who he wants to sit next to on the bus. Honestly, these mornings make my day; it is a gift to have this time with him each morning.
I wave good-bye to the bus, (at precisely 7:40am, Mark our bus driver is so punctual) wander back home and turn my computer on. While it boots up, I grab a new cup of tea, bring my grandmother her paper (another story and perhaps a totally different blog...) and then settle in to see what my workday holds all before 8am.
This morning has time blocked for strategy work, a conference call and then at 10am I have an hour coaching session with one of the senior leaders on my team. I know we had planned to do the GROW model around her development plan so I also prep for that. Remember, I still haven't left my home office! The coaching session goes great and neither one of us even noticed we weren't in the same location, as our video technology makes that a non-issue.
Then I head out to have lunch at a great restaurant by my house with a senior segment leader from Investor Services who was also working from home that day. I take my iPad and my blackberry and I am set with all my notes and documents that I need to cover with her while we eat.
I then drive to Chapters to pick up a book for Kolten that I have on hold (how to build the 10 best paper airplanes), and while there grab a peppermint white mocha at the Starbucks. It is now 2:00pm and I have another call. So I settle in to a comfy chair in Chapters with the mocha, my iPad and my blackberry and have a great call with an HR colleague up in Edmonton.
I get back into my car and drive to meet another senior leader from my team for our weekly one-on-one which we decided to do in person closer to her house at 3:30pm. At 4:45pm I am back in my car driving to pick Kolten up while taking another call (HANDS FREE).
Did I mention that while driving to my destinations today, my car read me all new emails coming in on my they came in, which kept me up-to-date and safe?
So what do you think? Does my day sound amazing and productive? Or would you rather have more structure? I would love to hear your thoughts, so leave me a comment!
Ta ta